Thursday, April 16, 2009

Failures and Mountain Tops

Well, it's true. I completely failed my happy fast. By the end of that last week, I was ready to hurt someone! I can't really give you an explanation. The truth is what I've always said, getting angry to deal with situations is just comfortable to me.

So I failed.

Walt Disney once said that he thinks it is important for every person to have a great failure in their life. Well, I'm 22, and I've had quite a few great failures. But those are important steps. You learn so much from a failure! It's like you are trying to get up this mountain. So, the first trip, you make it a fourth of the way there. You failed your goal! But now you know how to better prepare yourself, you know what you need to take, you know what to expect. Before long, you've gone three fourths of the way. It's still a failure, but you've made such progress. And finally, you'll get to the top of the mountain.

It looks like my journey to the top of this mountain is a looooong one, but it's well worth it. And every failure is another lesson learned, another gained bit of knowledge.

I can't say that I'm looking forward to that journey, but I know I'm looking forward to getting to the top of the mountain, turning around, and knowing that I've made it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Ten...

Here are ten random things that bring me much happiness. They are not neccessarily in any order, but here they are. I really enjoyed my 10 cent breakfast this mornign at the Carolina Forest Bojangles. Thanks, Mr. Chestnut! I even got my name in a drawing for a mountain bike. That's for all those mountains I want to ride my bike on here in the Coastal region of South Carolina..hahaha! Now for the ten:

Sitting in a clean house.
Blank Notebook Paper
Sharpened Pencils
Checked off To Do Lists
Watching a Hockey Game
$0.10 breakfast at Carolina Forest Bojangles
Good Smells (especially from Bath and Body Works)
Sweet Notes/ Phone Calls
Taking Care of Customer Service Issues and Getting Mistakes Taken Care of! Going against the system, baby!!!!