Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Holding On

Was in prayer tonight, just kind of talking to Jesus about my incessant drawing towards the world and away from Him. The song that was playing mentioned something about "teach me how to cling to You?" That rolled around in my head over and over again. Teach me how to cling to You. And I started thinking about a story I once heard.

There was a guy named Jacob. He was one of the best deceivers I've ever heard about (besides myself when I am not walking with Jesus..haha). Well, he deceived his brother out of his very own birthright. This, of course, means nothing to us as today our words and vows and birthrights are of no value. Back then, though, they were a huge deal. Well, needless to say, the brother was pretty ticked. Well Jacob was on his way back to the land of his brother, 2 wives, eleven sons, and deceitful repayments later. He just knew his brother was ticked. I honestly think, he kind of knew who he was. He knew everything he had done. He knew what was going down. He just knew that things weren't good.

Well, he comes to this place and somehow ends up alone. I love the Bible's wording; it just says, "Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day." Jacob was wrestling throughout the night. Whether it was Jesus or God or an angel, I don't care - stronger than me. I can almost see Jacob saying, I don't care - I'm not letting go until you tell me everything is going to be okay. It took strength and power. And tonight, I thought about it, that Man wasn't running or pushing away. He was engaging in that wrestling match.

And something hit me. You know, lately, I've been talking about my constant drawing to the world. Tonight I was praying for a drawing to the Lord. And it was like this new fight just rose up within me. It was like I took the Spirit of God and put Him in a headlock (as reverently and fearful as possible of course) and said, I'm not going to let You go until my life is so evidently changed that there is a physical difference in my everyday life. And it's almost like I could hear Jesus laughing because I don't have to wrestle to get that. He wants to be a part of life and passion with me even more than I want it! He is holding me anyway. He isn't running and trying to hide for me to find. He's just there, waiting for me to realize it.

This fight is a good thing. I guess that's an important part. If I can just get the fight inside of me to have a desire to only want Christ and nothing else, the other stuff will happen. Like the theme verse of my life right now. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto You." (Matt 6:33)

So, what do you need to wrestle with God about? Know this - he isn't running away. He wants to engage with you in life more than you want it. Tell me some things that you wrestle with and what it means to wrestle with God in those situations.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Happy Fast (Again)

"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto You." (Matthew 6:33)

I have a very bad habit. I will drive down the road and consistently look at the same exact signs, the same exact advertisements, the same words every time I drive by. It's like my eyes are drawn by a magnet to these things. I read them over and over and over again. What probably makes it even more annoying to those around me is that I will then make it my point to read the words every time I see them.

I have realized that I have that bad habit in more than just the area of signs and words. It's true in life. For the past 10 years of walking with (and running away from) God, I have revisited the same issues over and over and over and over again. What makes that even more annoying is that I consistently hurt the same people in the process.

Lately, I've just been thinking about my walk with God and this bad cycle I have of spiritual highs and lows. I have come to realize that part of the reason I consistently look away from the One who is set before me is that I like the other stuff I am looking at it. I am drawn to it. There is some magnetic force that is pulling my eyes away from the path before me. The bad thing about that is that it usually ends up in a crash, and people get hurt.

I've been looking at my Christian life and realizing that I have enjoyed the world and its ways. Yet, in my mind, I know that "friendship with the world is enmity with God" (somewhere in the Bible). I also know that this friendship with the world is the cause of those spiritual highs and lows. I am trying to find fulfillment in something that is empty and void itself. I am seeking happiness in somewhere else besides "the Kingdom of God and His righteousness."

So, I find myself in a new take on my what seems like "Happy Fast." Hence, the new desire to start writing again. I'm looking in all the wrong places to keep me happy. Really, I should just be looking to Jesus and falling in love with Him. So, here's to a brand new start and a journey before me that I don't think even I know where it will take me.