I am alive! I've been doing a lot of stuff lately. One of the coolest things that has happened lately had to do with Tenth Avenue North!
A while back I saw that Tenth Avenue North was going to be in Myrtle Beach this past week. Unfortunately, it was a closed event: some sort of Conference. Well, anyone who knows me, knows that I didn't stop there! I emailed someone from the conference, and the lady emailed back and said that our small group could come in for a night service and the late night Tenth Avenue North concert for free! We got in completely free!
When we got to the Convention Center, the lady who let us in told us that she and the director of the conference were so excited that we came! We stayed for the night, loved the speaker, and got to see the late night concert! The security for the convention center came in and shut things down for some reason. We were totally bummed.
But then Mike Donahey said that if you weren't with the conference, that you could come up, and they would play an acoustic version of "By Your Side". They did, and we got to meet Mike & Jeff! It was completely awesome!
The concert was amazing, and even the speaker was great! If you haven't heard of them, go check them out.