I know it is past Christmas, but I love this movie, so we watched it today. Jimmy Stewart is my idea of a dream boat. Great movie with a great message.
Tonight for dinner I made this recipe. It's an Asian Chicken & Rice Bake. It was actually really good. Click here for the recipe. I would just suggest cooking it longer than suggested. I served it with stir fry and Oriental Low Mein hard noodles. It was delicious! Next time I will put the stir fry vegetables in the dish. I think they would be an extra bonus! It's weird for me to be recommending a recipe. I am by no means a cook, but I think it's time to learn!
Also, I'm starting school this week! Crazy I know! I'm taking 2 classes that are prerequisites to getting into the MBA program at our local university. I'm pretty nervous about starting school all over again, but I've prayed over this and I really have a peace with it. Wish me the best!
Off to finish more on my to do list...
Sinus headaches are miserable, I'm glad you're feeling better. We had a fair amount of sleet (for our area) and we didn't leave the house. I'm hoping it'll be nice later in the week so I they can run off some of the crazy they've built up.