Wow! 1-1-11! This is crazy! I'm very excited about this new year! I feel like it is going to be amazing. I wanted to take some time to reflect and get a purpose and just see where God wants me to focus for the year. Just something I like to do. I had some time to think about it. I got a call around 2:10am this morning from my mom. She called to let me know my little bro L had called the ambulance to pick him up. She had to go to work at 5:00 am, so she was trying to get someone to cover for her. My dad is on a camping trip with my little sister. So, my mom called me to go to the hospital with my brother. The hospital is about forty-five minutes to an hour away from my house. So I left my party peeps (I was just going to get in bed) and headed here:

Thank goodness it wasn't anything serious. He has plueracy, which is just inflammation basically. I took him home. Then drove home. I got home at 5:30 am. Thank the Lord for safe driving. Anyways, I had a lot of time to think about the new year and goals and such. So, I thought I would post my goals for the year.
Now, granted, I know I may not reach all of them, but it's a good guide map to start walking with. My #1 thing is to be a completely different person this time next year. I would really like that. So, here we go!
1)Consistently follow hard after Christ.
2) Read through the Bible in a year (I've got the plan going!)
3) TALK MORE - I don't talk about my feelings enough with the people that should hear that. I bottle up a lot, and then explode later.
4) Write more - blogging, journaling, experimenting with writing...
5) Use means of communication more effectively - facebook, twitter, this blog - I deleted a bunch of "friends" from facebook - mostly married men and people that are on there that aren't really friends - just faces I may have met once or twice. I'd like to use means of communication to really build relationship and/or point people to Christ.
6) Become more domestic - I'd like to cook more and maybe even start some sewing or something - I don't know - use this as a way not to waste time - I'm a big time waster - maybe doing some of these will help me with that.
7) Love God & Love People More than Myself - basically, putting others before me. I'm super selfish. I love me. I only do what I want to do when I want to do it and how I want to do it. I'd like to get beyond that. This will probably be the hardest.
8) Orphans - I don't really know what this enta
ils. I just have such a heart for the orphans of the world. Maybe something locally? Maybe just praying & giving? I don't really know.
Like I said - it's a dream list, but it's a good place to get started. Hope your New's Year Day is as relaxing as mine! May this new year be the best of our lives!
HAPPY 2011!!