So, I think I made some progress today, and still failed in some ways. This morning people kind of frustrated me at church. There were just a couple of things. For instance, people were trying to change a clock, so they had a ladder in front of the door from the foyer to the sanctuary. Well, I needed to get out of the sanctuary. There was someone on the other side of the door who wouldn't let me out!
I got so frustrated. The bad thing, though, was that I think the person on the other side of the door knew it. Unfortunately, we've had run ins before over making copies between services.
Hmm..what do I do when I get frustrated with people? I'm reading In His Steps right now, and I have to think that when I get frustrated with people, I don't react the way Christ would. Funny thing, this was sort of what the sermon was on this morning.
I guess today, I knew it was my hardest test of this fast, and if I had to grade myself, I'd probably give myself a D. Not good enough for a perfectionist.
So the thing is, you can't just take away an action. You have to replace it with another action. I've had over 21 years of experience being rude and very outspoken and opinionated. Now, how do I, instead of acting that way, react to people when I get annoyed with them?
This is something I need to pray about because honestly, I don't have the answers. I'm open for suggestions.
I in some ways feel like a failure today on my fast, but in another way, I feel like I've hit a corner in my frustration life. I'm seeking a solution, and that's a big deal.
In my weakness, Christ is strong. And, in the words of Tenth Avenue North, I need Your strength to be this weak. Oh God, help me be weak.
Thanks for all the prayers, guys.
The News is Not Making You a Better Person
5 years ago
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